Monday, March 17, 2014


This is a conversation I had with a hearing impaired friend, (we had a conversation on paper):
-Me: What's your name
-Me: You can sit with us if you want to, you don't have to sit alone.
-Her: Mayble. I am stay sitting but up! 
-Me: Well, just come whenever you want! 
I realized that she did not speak English very well. Because sometimes I would ask her questions and get answers that had nothing to do with what I asked. Honestly, I use to think talking to her would be easy because I thought I could still converse with her on paper but reality is I can't really communicate with her. She can't understand me and i can't understand her but we want to be friends and it's really frustrating. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really wonderful that you reached out to Bertha and invited her to sit with you! Even though your conversation didn't go as planned, you took a risk and should be proud. Maybe you can ask her to teach you some simple words?
